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Curriculum Resources

The purpose of this page is to share information and resources regarding standards and curriculum.


Homer Community Schools Core Curriculum Guide

Click on the link above to access the HCS Core Curriculum Guide. This guide outlines the resources used in our elementary, middle and high schools.


3rd Grade Reading Law

In 2016, Michigan Legislature passed a bill to ensure that all children exiting 3rd grade are proficient in reading. Beginning in the 2019-20 school year, students must show proficiency on the year end state assessment to be promoted to 4th grade. School staff is required to provide ongoing assessment and inform parents of possible student difficulty by creating an IRIP (Individualized Reading Improvement Plan). Lillian Fletcher Elementary (LFE) sees this legislation not as a requirement, but as an opportunity to continue to provide the best possible reading instruction for all students. All students K-3 have an IRIP in place ensuring that student achievement in reading is closely monitored and communicated to parents. LFE is committed to using assessment data to plan for interventions that support student learning. We will continue to partner with parents to ensure success for all.  Click on the link above for resources related to this law and school contact information.


Links for Online Tools, Training, and Sample Item Sets for Online State Testing
Click on the link above to access Michigan Department of Education resources to help students prepare for online state assessments at all grade levels.  These resources include a student video tutorial (narrated by a student), an Online Tools Training (OTT), and Sample Item Sets, which area  select group of test items in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies that encompass various kinds of technology-enhanced items (drag and drop, hot spots, etc.). - MUST BE OPENED IN CHROME BROWSER


MICHIGAN GLCEs, HSCEs, and other Standards/Benchmarks
Click on the link above to access GLCE/HSCE standards and benchmarks, as well as other standards (Arts, Career/Employability Skills, English Language Arts/Literacy, Health & Physical Education, Mathematics, Nutrition, Social Studies, Technology, and World Languages).